Norðurlandamót Seniora 14-16. mars

mánudagur, 10. febrúar 2025

The dates are Friday 14th – Sunday 16th March 2025.

We’ll play a double RR in each class, that is ten rounds in total.
16 board matches, no change at halftime.


Starting on Friday at 17:30, with two rounds, finishing at 21:40.


The schedule on Saturday and Sunday will be the same:

10:00 – 14:10 2 rounds
14:10 – 15:00 Lunch break
15:00 – 19:10 2 rounds


We’ll make a championships website at, and will come back in due time with deadlines for entering teams and submitting system cards.

Reykjavík Bridge Festival

Frítt fyrir börn og ungmenni Öll börn og ungmenni 20 ára og yngri fá frítt í bridge í vetur
Sjá nánar